Friday, June 25, 2010
Let’s define some of the words we are using so we have a clear understanding of the subject we are discussing.
Lying: untruthfulness, fabrication, fibbing, perjury, white lies; falseness, falsity, dishonesty, mendacity, telling stories, invention, misrepresentation, deceit, duplicity;
Malignant: (of a disease) very virulent or infectious.
(of a tumor) tending to invade normal tissue or to recur after removal; virulent, very infectious, invasive, uncontrollable, dangerous, deadly, fatal, incurable, life-threatening.
Cancer: the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body; evil, blight, scourge, poison, canker, plague; archaic pestilence.
Do you lie? Why do you lie? Your Answer:
Do you feel good after you have told a lie? Your Answer:
Do members of your family lie? Your Answer:
Does your auto mechanic lie? Your Answer:
Does your doctor, dentist lie? Your Answer:
Do law enforcement officers lie? Your Answer:
Do judges lie? Your Answer:
Do City, State, Federal Government Officials lie? Your Answer:
Does your Banker lie? Your Answer:
Does you Credit Card Company lie? Your Answer:
Does Wall St. Lie? Your Answer:
Does the News Media lie? Your Answer:
How do you feel when someone lies to you? Your Answer:
Do you trust someone who has lied to you? Your Answer:
Is trust important to you, Why? Your Answer:
Can any Democracy survive without trust by its citizens of each other, and those who operate all the institutions that are necessary for a Democracy? Your Answer:
Do Church Ministers, Officials lie? Your Answer:
Can you ever believe them, have faith in their words and guidance once they lie? Your Answer:
What to you believe in? Your Answer:
Do you really believe in what you think you believe? Your Answer:
What makes you lie? How long have you been lying? When did you start lying? Your Answer:
Do you realize you are lying? Your Answer:
Do you think if everyone else is lying that gives you permission to lie? Your Answer:
Do you make a conscious decision to lie or is it just automatic Now? Your Answer:
Do agree with the idea that the most harmful, destructive lie is the one we tell ourselves; it cause the greatest destruction of Life, Your Life? Your Answer:
If one cell in your body starts growing erratically soon all its neighboring cells will be doing the same, and the body is overtaken with a malignant cancer.
Is there a relationship between Lying, The Most Destructive Malignant Cancer of Our World, and the Malignant Cancers effecting the Bodies of so many of Our World Citizens? Your Answer:
How can we Cure Our World of the Malignant Cancer of Lying? Your Answer:
What can you do to help with the Cure; today, everyday, Now? Your Answer:
To k/Now The Truth, To Be The Truth, To Live The Truth is the Ultimate Expression of Life, Your Life.