The Me That I, Call I . . .

I like to share with you My Zen Poem;

The Me That I, Call I . . .

Beautiful Body, how did you come to Be?
They say; an Egg took a Sperm, and 9 months to the day, The Me, that I, Call I, came to Be.

How did an Egg and a Sperm become the trillions of cells that make skin, bones, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen; and each cell having a special purpose and function for The Me, That I, Call I?

How did the trillions of cells, that each call themselves, I, come to Be? Trillions of Molecules that call themselves, I, came together; and trillions of Atoms each calling themselves, I, came together; but wait a minute said the Protons and the Perpetual Dancing Electrons; you would never Be, if not for Me; and where does those Perpetual Dancing Electrons get all that Energy, to Perpetually be Dancing?

They say Electrons are like Caterpillars and Butterflies; Perpetual Dancing Electrons become Photons, as Caterpillars become Butterflies, and Photons become Perpetual Dancing Electrons, as Butterflies become Caterpillars . . .  Photons? You mean Light?

How amazing is that for the Egg and the Sperm that became The Me,That I, Call I.

Looking in the mirror I do not see the Trillions of Perpetual Dancing Electrons, that are the Trillions of Atoms, that are the Trillions of Molecules, that are the Trillions of Cells, that are the skin, bones, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen; I only see the Form that came from the Egg that took a Sperm and 9 months to the day, The Me, That I, Call I, came to Be, that’s all I see: yet, for sure all are here with Me that I can not see . . .

 Where Does that Energy Come From that Keeps
my Trillions of Electrons Perpetually Dancing, and morphing into Photons, the Light of Me? That’s The Real Mystery that makes Me, The I, that I will eventually come to Be . . .

 Keep Your Attention Within Your Heart, and You Will Surely Be, Who You Truly Are, but cannot see.

Jack OdinSky-Od

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