By: Jack OdinSky-Od
October 21, 1997
Abstract: If “Mind is the Builder,” and its basic units of construction are thoughts, than, if an individual, constantly (relatively speaking) observes, watches their thoughts (“ThoughtWatching”), with purposeful attention, a natural filtering and selection process will take place (“ThoughtManagement”), and only Useful, Purposeful, and Creative Thoughts that are Necessary, and Appropriate for the moment, and the activity, will manifest in the physical; thereby determining that individual’s Health and Life.
A literary review has found substantial support for the process “ThoughtWatching” and has identified very clearly “The Watcher”. Since the individual has “Free Will” through the process of Thought Selection in determining their Health and Life Experiences, it would suggest that managing this process successfully would provide the best outcomes aligned to our Ideal.
“ThoughtManagement” then becomes the natural partner to “ThoughtWatching” and the manager of “Mind is the Builder”. Through this process a greater understanding of Mind, Life and Health have been revealed and validated.
An understanding that Mind is a “Mental- Highway” System, a Two-Way, Vibrating-Frequency-Energy System; that we humans have a efficient Human-in/Form/ation Receiving-Processing-Trans/mitting System, that allows communications between the Material-Physical World and the Spiritual World; that Thoughts are Things and, or Deeds, and their essence are Vibrating-Frequency-Holographic-Photon- Energy Forms; and that we Humans are “HuSouls”, “Human-Soul Beings, Whole Beings.