January , 1997
Consciousness requires, no demands, an Observer ... for consciousness is awareness, and awareness requires observation, and observation requires an Observer.
We are all aware of our Thoughts even as we are thinking them. We are all aware of our activities even as we are doing them. This suggests that there is an aspect of us that is always observing, watching, all we think, and all we do. This observer aspect, of who we are, this ever present watcher of our activities, and our Thoughts, is who I have named the ThoughtWatcher, and its ever present function is ThoughtWatching. Therefore, ThoughtWatching is a natural, effortless process that is occurring with or without our conscious awareness. All we need to do is allow our Attention to be with it more often, the more often we are with our “ThoughtWatcher”, the more benefits it will reveal to us.
Interacting with two or more people or in an intense activity, obviously poses a great challenge for practicing ThoughtWatching. What I discovered here was that by listening intently to each party speaking, I was ThoughtWatching. How often was I prepared in my mind to answer someone, or make a comment before they finished their statement? So listening intently, slowed down the need to respond too quickly in a conversation, and allowed ThoughtWatching, and, a more respectful conversation, and response. When in an intense activity if we put our attention into the activity we usually lose our attention in watching our Thoughts; this requires more discipline, and we need to remember to keep our body in view, and/or listen to our breath, while also giving our attention to the activity, this takes practice, but has a big reward.
Thoughts are personality specific, every time there is a Thought, there is a personality. Personalities are the actors in our life that we get to play by choosing a certain role that is; (father, mother, son, daughter, student, friend, worker etc). Now the ThoughtWatching exercise changes, and the focus is, what personality is here Now? And what Thoughts are Necessary, and Appropriate in this moment for this activity? A question may come to mind now, what is the practice of ThoughtWatching? It begs an answer; understanding how our thinking works, and realizing how inefficient it is, and how often it produces poor outcomes. While contemplating these questions, and the realization that something is needed to improve our thinking process. The idea of ThoughtManagement was born in January, 1997, What I actually started doing as a result of ThoughtWatching was ThoughtManaging. It was obvious Now that if we could only engage useful, appropriate, purposeful, and creative Thoughts throughout the day, we could save a lot of wasted time, and Energy, be more peaceful, more focused, with many more successful outcomes. WOW! How great would that be?
The Physical World of Forms, and Space is a World of Thoughts, by Thoughts, and for Thoughts. To try to stop our Thoughts is absolutely impossible. That is why so many practices that suggest we try to stop Thoughts are not successful in obtaining results for participants in metaphysical, and New Age practices. Human Beings are Thought-Generators, it is how we were created, and how we exist in the Physical World of Forms, and Space.
We Human Beings are constructed to be Thought-Generators, with a magnificent Brain and Nervous System for categorizing, storing, and recalling our Thoughts; and a magnificent, neglected, poorly understood Mind. This Thought machine is the ultimate design machine, it would definitely win hands down any, and all scientific design contests. Its very essences, and basic nature is to think, and generate Thoughts…think about it, and as you do, ThoughtWatch.
We might ask about the efficiency of the operation of this Thought-Generator, and here we find some very interesting in/Form/ation. To understand this we must answer some questions;
1. What functions do our Thoughts have ? Thoughts are for pleasure, for pain, for fear, for drama, for love, for adventure, for excitement, for Communications, and for Creative Energy.
2. What purposes do our Thought have? They are used by Mind to Build our Life by the choices we make, to record all life experiences we have, to allow us to remember, and recall in/form/ation; our thoughts allow us work, and to use reason, and take actions.
3. How can we generate the most Useful, Appropriate, Purposeful, and Creative Thoughts that will most efficiently serve their function, and satisfy their purpose?
We need to better understand what Thoughts are, and how we can use them more efficiently, and more effectively for our Mind is the Builder. Thoughts are things, and therefore, should have some utility, some usefulness, some meaningful purpose; and not be wasted Energy. Each Thought is Energy, and therefore, useless Thoughts are a waste of Energy, and are the cause of physical negative health conditions…the Billions of dollars spent on healthcare each year attest to that fact.
We all have our To Do List, this is really our Thought To Manifest List, and we should realize that each Thought on our list carries with it the Energy To Do, the Energy to get the activity accomplished. Our lives are made of Thoughts. Our very identity of who we are, are made of Thoughts; can we ever k/Now ourselves, or anyone, or anything, without Thoughts to describe, identify and name them? If we go to sleep with the intention to ThoughtWatch, what happens? We will have a very restful, peaceful sleep, and we soon discover that there are very few Thoughts to watch during sleep; so we have Now discovered periods when the Thought-Generator is off, and the Mind is “Thought-Free.” (This has been validated by scientific sleep studies, and EEG studies showing Brain activity during sleep, although Mind is the Thought-Generator, it directly affects Brain activity, no the Brain is not the Mind, and the Mind is not the Brain). The reasons for this are: first, while we are asleep we are not having any interactions with other people,therefore, no need to have Thoughts; secondly, we discovered that all Thoughts we have are personality specific, and when we are sleeping there is no need for personalities, they have no role to play. However, I hear you saying, what about dreams? Dreams are not Thoughts, and are not recorded in the Brain, although they can, and do become Thoughts sometimes; I’m sure you k/Now how difficult it is to recall your dreams; dreams at their purest form are k/Now/ings, they are direct Communications with our Soul, and we are in Me-SoulSpace, the Superconscious-Mind Lane in the Mental-Highway-Energy System ( What’s That? This is discussed in another post, The Mental-Highway-Energy System of Your Life). When we are dreaming, most likely we will have an intuition of our dream or we may recall a dream as words, or imagines, and that requires some serious interpretation. We will understand this better after our discussion on k/Now/ing-Energy trans/Form/ation.
Some more questions are begging for answers, but first let me share this Note: T*-WR – Gem = ThoughtWatcher’s - Gem (a precious jewel), it is a k/Now/ing that was received while ThoughtWatching; which is one of the benefits of ThoughtsWatching, you get these wonderful insights, these simple phrases of wisdom.
T*-WR – Gem: Asking is a Better Way of Thinking
What are we building with our Thoughts? Are we operating this Thought-Generator with the greatest efficiency? How could we improve our Thought efficiency? What effect would improving our Thought efficiency have on our Mind as the Builder of Our Lives? How does E=MC² {Einstein’s Formulae of Relativity} apply to Thought efficiency? (Thesis I.A.)
In the final analysis what every Human Being seeks whether directly or indirectly, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in the material, in the mental, and in the spiritual aspect of what they are, is a purpose, and meaning for their individual existence; the purpose, and meaning of their life. Where can we find this purpose, this meaning, but in our Mind; for it is our individuality (our I-Ego) and our personalities (our me-Egos) that infuses purpose, and meaning into life as they are brought to experience it.
This fact may be deduced from our ThoughtWatching, and realizing that Thoughts are Personality Specific; and during sleep for the most part no “Me-personalities” are active and therefore no Thoughts are needed.
T*-WR-Gem: Thoughts without action are just Memories, Thoughts with action are Happenings, and Happenings are the Things of our Life.
T*- WR-Gem: Life is the presentation in Mind of Thoughts; Thoughts of People, of Places, and of Things that allow us to choose by our Free Will, the Thoughts, that we will Engage, Interact, and Connect with when presented in Mind; we then choose that Thought of what, and how to respond, and how to interact, and to act; this is Life.
{Author’s Note: All inquires, all attempts to acquire k/Now/ledge, all learning, is to understand the meaning of something, that something ultimately is the meaning of our Life}.
T*-WR Gem: A Chaotic Mind, Is A Chaotic Life; A Peaceful Mind, Is A Peaceful Life; An Orderly Mind, Is An Orderly Life; Are Mind, And Life The Same? What Is Chaotic, Peaceful, Orderly; The Mind, Or The Thoughts That Parade Through It, and the Outcomes they produce?
Copyright 1997-2010, Jack OdinSky-Od, a/k/a Jack OdinSky. All rights reserved.
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