Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Relationships Part I ? Personality Types

By: Jack OdinSky-Od
Monday, August 2, 2010

Relationships Part I ? Personality Types 

     Personality types are neither Good nor Bad they just reveal your dominate personality and its behavior. k/Now/ing your personality type can have many benefits for relationships are based on compatibilities of those personalities involved, and love can never reach or fulfill its intended goal without true compatibility. This essay is not based on any scientific study, but rather, based on life experiences, and common sense. As you read this essay keep an open mind, apply your own life experiences in relationships with family, friends, lovers, spouses, companions, and partners; and apply your own common sense. This essay is meant to stimulate, and provoke comments, and discussion so that we may all learn from each other to live life, and live it well.
     Here are four Basic Types:
1. A Giver
2. A Balanced Giver-Taker
3. A Taker
4. A Pseudo-giver-Taker

     So Let’s define each type:
      1. A Giver:  is the one in a relationship that is always giving; money, gifts, time, giving in to the other persons wants, needs, wishes or desires, and every day things like food restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Doing it without question, envy or resentment. Never asking for anything in return, but finding pleasure in giving. However, the Giver does have a limit, and requires respect, and gratitude for their giving
     2. A Balanced Giver-Taker: is the one in a relationship that is is always giving as a True Giver,  as in #1 above, but, expects to receive something in return or will just take something in return that they may want, always seeking to balance their giving with a taking.
     3. A Taker: is the one in a relationship that is always taking: money, gifts, always  suggesting, demanding that their wants, needs, wishes or desires be fulfilled, even every day things like food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Never giving anything, and always trying to make the other person feel guilty for not giving. Often envying, and resenting what the other person has or gets.
      4.  A Pseudo-giver-Taker: is the one in a relationship that always is the first to give, but usually useless, worthless things that appear to be a meaningful giving, They will pretend at first, to give the other person what they want, need, wish or desire, then, and  only at the last minute, take it back, or not allow it. And, they can never give any respect or gratitude to the other person, since, that would defeat their pretension of being the giver.

     I k/Now what your thinking, and what you started to do, you are labeling each person you have a relationship with; well that’s the last thing you want to do; First, you must label your dominate personality, be absolutely truthful with yourself or you will find no benefit from this exercise. So, which type describes your behavior in 80 -90% of the time, in 80-90% of your relationships.  Are you A Giver, A Taker, A Balanced Giver-Taker, or A Pseudo-giver-Taker?

     Be truthful with yourself if you want to improve your current relationships, and if you are  serious about developing, and having that ideal romantic, loving forever, soulmate relationship. k/Now/ing your personality type will allow you to review, and better understand all your relationships, and to set some criteria for all future relationships so that they will be successful.

     Please understand your personality type is something you have developed over the years, and may be difficult to change, but with an understanding and insight into your type; change can take place, Note; it is much easier, much easier to change yourself than to change the other person, but change can take place with great understanding, desire, persistence, and grace.

     The best thing is to k/Now what type of personalities you are most compatible with, and have the best match; those are the relationships you want to connect with, and cherish. However, some of your relationships are not by your choice, that is, the family you were born into presents you with relationships that will require you to modify your personality and will help shape, and develop your personality type. However, at the age of 21 years you will have the choice of all your relationships, and using the information discussed here, you will make wonderful choices for both people involved, and have a very successful life.

K/Now/ing the other persons type will allow you to understand why the relationship is what it is; and offer you possibilities for modifying your behavior, and discussing the situation honestly, and peacefully with the other person. It is possible that both parties could slightly modify there behavior, and make a relationship better or tolerable by both, and if there are enough other reasons to keep it going it could survive, and thrive.
     Does all this make sense to you? Make your comments k/Now/n so we can all learn from them.

copyright, 2010, Jack OdinSky-Od, /aka/ Jack OdinSky, all rights reserved.

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