Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Relationships Part II ? Personality Matches, MatchMaker

By: Jack OdinSky-Od
Monday, August 2, 2010

MATCHMAKER, MATCHMAKER, MAKE ME A MATCH, FIND ME A CATCH THAT WILL BE GOOD FOR A LIFETIME, AND EVER AFTER? True Love, unconditional Love, and A True Soul to Soul Connection, Soul Mates. A rare match, indeed.

 Common Sense matches of personality types:
     1. Best match would be: A Giver with A Giver.
      2. A Giver with A Balanced Giver-Taker
     3. A Balanced Giver-Taker with A Balanced Giver-Taker
     4. A Giver with  A Pseudo-giver-Taker
     5. A Balanced Giver-Taker with  A Pseudo-giver-Taker
     6. A Giver with A Taker
     7. A Taker with A Balance Giver-Taker
     8. A Pseudo-giver-Taker with A Pseudo-giver-Taker
     9. A Taker with A Pseudo-giver-Taker
     10. And, the Worst, most difficult match would be A Taker with A Taker.

     These are some of the most interesting matches. Let’s discuss the rationale for rating these matches from Best #1 to Worst #10.
     #1 - A Giver with A Giver:The best match would be two Giver personalities, for obvious reasons, they would always be giving to each other; money, gifts, time; giving into the other persons wants, needs, wishes or desires; and every day things, like; food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Doing it without question, envy, or resentment. Never asking for anything in return; but finding pleasure in giving. The only problem this match may encounter,would be indecision; if they both wanted something different, and each would give into the others wants, who decides what to do? However,, two mature, loving, and giving people would certainly deal with that situation in a giving way. A great match; and if lovers,  a possible true Soulmate relationship. We will rate this eight *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, ( this means octuplets of Best match , and a relationship that will be very loving, giving, enduring, and possible A True Soulmate, True Love relationship)

     #2 - A Giver with A Balanced Giver-Taker; here we have a rather good match where A Giver is the one in a relationship that is always giving; money, gifts, time, giving into the other persons wants, needs, wishes or desires, and every day things; like, food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Doing it without question, envy, or resentment. Never asking for anything in return, but finding pleasure in giving. And, A Balanced Giver-Taker is the one in a relationship that is always giving as a True Giver, as in #1 type above, but expects to receive something in return, or will just take something in return that they might want, always seeking to balance their giving with a taking. This presents no problem; since, the Giver will always be giving, the taking would not even be necessary. So you have a good balanced match. A relationship that can endure, in a loving, and wonderful way. We will rate this match with seven *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, *B ( which means septuplets Best matched, and a loving, giving, taking, yet, somewhat balanced relationship with great endurance) 

     #3 - A Balanced Giver-Taker with A Balanced Giver-Taker this match could be as good as #1 A Giver with A Giver: or #2 A Giver with A Balanced Giver-Taker since both personalities are always seeking Balance;  Two Balanced Giver-Taker are both in a relationship that is always giving as a True Giver as in #1 type above, but expects to receive something in return or will just take something in return that they might want, and, always seeking to balance their giving with a taking. I don’t see any problems with this match do you? This match has good possibilities for a balanced, honest, and enduring relationship. We will  rate this match six *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, *B, (which means sextuplet of Best matched, a loving, giving, and taking, honest relationship; balanced, and enduring)

     #4 - A Giver with A Pseudo-giver-Taker: here is a match that will have situations of friction, but, the Giver will go along for sometime before they meet their limit of giving: The Giver in this match will be giving, and doing it without question, envy, or resentment. Never asking for anything in return, but finding pleasure in giving. However, the Giver does have a limit, and requires respect, and gratitude for their giving. Something the Pseudo-giver-Taker does not understand, and is incapable of giving; since, A Psuedo-giver-Taker is the one in a relationship that always is the first to give, but usually useless, worthless things that appear to be a meaningful giving. They will pretend at first, to give the other person what they want, need, wish or desire, then only at the last minute, take it back, or not allow it. And, they can never give any respect or gratitude to the other person since that would defeat their pretension of being the giver. We will rate this match as 2 *B, *B, and three *T, *T,  *T, ( this means the relationship will initially have some good times but then there will be serious friction, and a Troubled relationship)

     #5 - A Balanced Giver-Taker with A Pseudo-giver-Taker; this match will have many serious situations of friction, and early on in the relationship; since A Balanced Giver-Taker is the one in a relationship that is is always giving as a True Giver as in #1 type above, but expects to receive something in return or will just take something in return that they might want; always seeking to balance their giving with a taking. And, A Psuedo-giver-Taker is the one in a relationship that always is the first to give, but usually useless, worthless things that appear to be a meaningful giving. They will pretend at first, to give the other person what they want, need, wish or desire, but at the last minute take it back or not allow it. And, they can never give any respect or gratitude to the other person, since, that would defeat their pretension of being the giver. However, the Balanced Giver-Taker will not allow any imbalance in their giving and taking, so, I’m sure you can realize all the early situations that will develop between these two personality types.  We will give this match two *T, *T (which means double Trouble in this relationship).

     #6 - A Giver with A Taker;  in this match where A Giver the one in a relationship that is always giving; money, gifts, time, giving in to the other persons wants, needs, wishes or desires, and  every day things, like; food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Doing it without question, envy, or resentment. Never asking for anything in return, but finding pleasure in giving. However, the Giver does have a limit, and requires respect, and gratitude for their giving, and A Taker is the one in a relationship that is always taking: money, gifts, always  suggesting, demanding that their wants, needs, wishes or desires be fulfilled, even every day things, like;  food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Never giving anything, and always trying to make the other person feel guilty for not giving. Often envying, and resenting what the other person has or gets. A match between these two types that are so different in their behavior will be extremely difficult. Yet, because the Giver has such tolerance, and receives pleasure form just giving that will allow this match to survive until the Giver meets their limit; and, it will be the Taker’s envying, and resenting the Giver that will cause many very serious situations of friction, it may take awhile before this relationship will end. We will give this match four *T,*T,*T,*T ( means quadruplet Trouble in the relationship)

     #7 - A Taker with A Balance Giver-Taker; here we have a match of A Taker, who is the one in a relationship that is always taking: money, gifts, always  suggesting, demanding that their wants, needs, wishes or desires be fulfilled, even every day things, like;  food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Never giving anything, and always trying to make the other person feel guilty for not giving. Often envying, and resenting what the other person has or gets, And, A Balanced Giver-Taker, who is the one in a relationship that is always giving as a True Giver as in #1type above, but expects to receive something in return or will just take something in return that they might want, always seeking to balance their giving with a taking. This match will encounter many serious situations of friction very early in the relationship, and very often, almost constant friction, since the Taker is never giving the Balanced Giver-Taker will not be giving. We will give this match five *T, *T, *T, *T, *T,  (this means quintuplets of Trouble in this relationship, not a good survival rate)

     #8 - A Pseudo-giver-Taker with A Pseudo-giver-Taker in this match you have two of the same type, both are A Psuedo-giver-Taker, who is the one in a relationship that always is the first to give, but usually useless, worthless things that appear to be a meaningful giving, They will pretend at first, to give the other person what they want, need, wish or desire, then only at the last minute take it back or not allow it. And, they can never give any respect or gratitude to the other person since that would defeat their pretension of being the giver. This relationship will have very serious tensions, and frequent situations of major friction, It is obvious that their behavior toward each other will be pretentious of giving but then taking, and when both are displaying this behavior  serious, frequent, and major friction in this match means six *T, *T, *T, *T, *T, *T, ( sextuplets of Trouble in this match, and a very poor chance of survival)

     #9 - A Taker with A Pseudo-giver-Taker; in this match of A Taker is the one in a relationship that is always taking: money, gifts, always  suggesting, demanding that their wants, needs, wishes or desires be fulfilled, even every day things, like;  food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Never giving anything, and always trying to make the other person feel guilty for not giving. Often envying, and resenting what the other person has or gets, and A Psuedo-giver-Taker is the one in a relationship that always is the first to give, but usually useless, worthless things that appear to be a meaningful giving, They will pretend at first, to give the other person what they want, need, wish or desire, then only at the last minute take it back or not allow it. And, they can never give any respect or gratitude to the other person since that would defeat their pretension of being the giver. I don’t see what these two types of personalities would see in each other to want to have a relationship. It would be very early in the relationship that major, and frequent friction would be obvious to both, yet, there may be redeeming character features or special circumstances that might put these two types together, it may be that the Taker is initially fooled by the Psuedo-giving; whatever it may be, we will give this match  seven *T, *T, *T, *T, *T, *T, *T, (this means septuplets of Trouble in this relationship, and barely a chance of survival)

     #10 - The Worst, most difficult match would be A Taker with A Taker. I cannot possibly see how or why these two types would every want to, or could have a meaningful relationship. Only Karma, or very extreme circumstances would allow this match to progress from an acquaintance to a relationship, unless it is a family relationship. How could these two types of behavior tolerate one another even for a day. A Taker is the one in a relationship that is always taking: money, gifts, always  suggesting, demanding that their wants, needs, wishes or desires be fulfilled, even every day things, like;  food, restaurants, movies, where to go, with whom, when, how. Never giving anything, and always trying to make the other person feel guilty for not giving. Often envying, and resenting what the other person has or gets. Imagine these two people living together, and having to face all the situations life presents, while dealing with each others behavior. I say impossible, and we will give this match eight *T,*T,*T, *T, *T, *T, *T, *T, (this means octuplet of Trouble in this relationship, and no chance of survival, do you  k/Now a good psychiatrist for these two?)

     First, let me state again this essay is not based on any scientific study, and if you are in a relationship that we have rated with *T’s, and you are happy, content, and satisfied, let me k/Now, I may need to change the ratings. I am in no way offering this information as the only factors that could make a relationship good or even great, many other factors contribute to what makes a relationship good or great.

     If your personality type has been described here in somewhat unfavorable terms, I am trying to best describe how real people behave in relationships, I will repeat what I wrote before: Please understand your personality type is something you have developed over the years, and may be difficult to change, but with an understanding and insight into your type; change can take place, Note; it is much easier, much easier to change yourself than to change the other person, but change can take place with great understanding, desire, persistence, and grace.

     I will close with the opening paragraph so there can be no mistake as to the purpose of this essay, Personality types are neither Good nor Bad they just reveal your dominate personality, and its behavior. k/Now/ing your personality type can have many benefits for relationships are based on compatibilities of those personalities involved, and love can never reach or fulfill its intended goal without true compatibility. This essay is not based on any scientific study, but rather, based on life experiences, and common sense. As you read this essay keep an open mind, apply your own life experiences in relationships with family, friends, lovers, spouses, companions, and partners; and apply your own common sense. This essay is meant to stimulate, and provoke comments, and discussion so that we may all learn from each other to live life in meaningful, loving relationships, and live it well.

Does all this make sense to you? Make your comments k/Now/n so we can all learn from them.

Copyright, 2010, Jack OdinSky-Od. All rights reserved.

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